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666-Beware the Man of Sin

by George Cuff

One of these days—it may be soon--
perhaps at evening or maybe noon
A trump will sound, a voice will shout;
many graves will empty out.
All true believers, fine and fair,
will rise to meet Jesus in the air.
Millions missing, a global disaster!
The people cry out for a global master.

Then will appear the man of sin
who comes like a lamb the world to win.
With assuring words delivered by guile,
he enslaves a world beleaguered by trial.
First he will change our national border
and bring to fruition a new world order.
But it won't be enough to rule this sod.
Soon he'll declare that He is God.

Men will be forced to worship him
and receive a mark on forehead or limb.
They need the mark to buy or sell,
but with this mark, they're destined for hell.
So here is wisdom, remember this:
the mark will be numbered 666.
Don't make this decision on a whim,
for once it is made, you belong to him.

Knowing this, what will you do?
Will you examine the scripture to see if it's true?
Will you fall to your knees and earnestly pray
for God to change your life today?
Now that you've heard the gospel true,
you must decide just what you will do.
Your gift from God is Christ within.
The devil will give you the man of sin.

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