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The Coming Day of Judgment

by George Cuff

Once again Malachi warned of a Day of Judgment to come.
True believers are safe in Christ, but there will be judgment for some.
God has provided a way of salvation to avoid His righteous ire,
But those who choose to reject His plan will burn like straw in a fire.

There is a remnant in the land—God calls them His treasured possession—
Who have trusted Christ as LORD, been forgiven all transgression.
This, His Church, will come with Christ to enter the millennial reign
Where they will serve the King of Kings ruling His vast domain.

The sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings,
As His servants light the world with the perfection Jesus brings.
Like the calf that leaps and jumps as it exits a crowded stall,
So godly rule brings joy and fulfillment not just for one, for all.

Before the Savior would be born, an Elijah-like prophet would come
To preach the message of repentance and identify God's only Son. He said,
"The Fathers who turn and love their sons instead of the money purse
Will prepare them, with help from above, to survive the coming curse."

Certainly our present immoral culture, weighed down by sin and greed,
Is plunging into spiritual despair unaware of its peril and need.
So we must shine as lamps in the dark, be salt in these difficult days.
We must live our lives in truth to the glory of His praise.

This poem was a finalist in the December 2009 poetry contest

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