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This is My Prayer for You

by George Cuff

God wants us all to know Him better. That's the first truth Paul proclaims.
That's the reason for this letter, to show us what God has ordained.
He prays the eyes of our heart would be opened to see three things this hour:
The hope of our call, spiritual riches for all, and God's incomparable power.

The hope of our call is a life well lived, which reflects Christ's transformation.
We all should hope our life reflects a good measure of sanctification.
As we study the Word and walk with God on heaven's upward road,
The fruits of the Spirit shine to reveal the blessings God has bestowed.

Paul also prays that we would know the inheritance found in the saints.
How precious it is to have godly friends who inspire and do not faint.
The greatest riches found in this life are embodied in family and friends.
How glorious it is to remember this truth: for the redeemed, it never ends.

To comprehend the power of God is the third thing he mentioned in prayer.
He wants the believers to have faith in God, not to live in despair.
The God that raised Jesus from the dead and installed Him on heaven's throne
Is the very same God that forgave our sin and adopted us as His own.

So now we have hope that transforms our life and fellowship with godly friends.
Should Jesus tarry and we leave this earth, we know that it's not the end.
The God that raised Jesus from the dead and installed Him on heaven's throne
Has adopted us into His heavenly family to live with Him as His own.

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