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The Wall Between God and Man

by George Cuff

All of us know that Adam's sin built a wall between God and man,
But God had prepared a plan to redeem even before time began.
God called a man, Abram by name, to found a brand new nation.
He called him to a walk of faith, to help us grasp salvation.

Abraham's descendants increased in number, belonged to Israel proper.
As they honored their covenant with God, He enabled them to prosper.
Through the years as they walked with Him, He taught them to follow the Law,
But most of the Gentiles in the world were excluded by that wall.

But Jesus destroyed that hostile wall; gave His life to pay the price.
His perfection applied to our life is more than enough to suffice.
Thus the Gentiles, once far away, now have been brought near.
He became peace to Gentile and Jew destroying the power of fear.

From Pentecost on until His return, we live in the age of grace.
All may come to God through Christ irrespective of heritage or race.
Jew or Gentile, black or white, we're included in His plan.
In God there is no segregation, for He loves every man.

So once again we see without doubt that God's eternal plan
Is to pay the price by giving Himself to bring salvation to man.
God is building His people together into a temple glorious.
He will carry us to the end to enter eternity victorious.

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