I’m thankful for his grace and love
And all the many blessings shared.
There’s just one thing I’m thinking of
While scanning all this food prepared.
I’m thankful for the turkey, ham,
The stuffing, rolls, and casserole,
Potatoes mashed, and sweetened yam;
But thoughts remain on blessed goal.
I dip a spoonful on my plate
As I begin to fill my dish.
The tempting treat will need to wait
But I’ll maintain a hopeful wish.
I mustn’t fill my tummy full
For yonder sweetness has my eye.
With yummy food so bountiful,
I’m thankful most for pumpkin pie.
This mirrors life in many ways,
With gifts and blessings plentiful.
We’re stuffed with treasure many days,
No room for glories wonderful.
We must look past this earthly spread
To sights unseen by human eyes.
By trusting all the words he said,
We’ll reach the goal and claim the prize.
Surrounded by these blessings--good,
With mighty cravings to supply,
Let’s keep our focus where we should
And not forget the pumpkin pie.
This poem won first place for the
November 2016 poetry contest