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No Heavenly Tollgates

by Robert Hedrick

I'll not enter heaven with money, but I'll go in with people,
Those belonging to a body of One, not a building with a steeple.
If I gain earthly treasures, whenever I die, I'll leave them behind,
Having used it wisely in not letting it make me spiritually blind.

Material wealth gained here won't make a difference for eternity,
Jesus came, not for worldly gain, but to release sin's hold on me.
As I depart this life, my earthly goods will remain where they lie,
They'll never corrupt my heavenly home in that sweet by and by.

Money is not evil, it's the love of it making it a dangerous affair,
When greed and jealousy arise, replacing the love that was there.
Destroying friendships that have been flourishing for many years,
As that need for the power of wealth overshadows a plea of tears.

Material wealth can also cause separation between God and man,
Gaining control, inflicting spiritual blindness as nothing else can.
God provides me money to pay those bills and buy the food I eat,
Jesus provides the forgiveness that I need to walk heaven's street.

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