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A Rearranged Heart

by Robert Hedrick

It was after I was saved that I soon began to learn,
Satan wanted me to wait, for he had time to burn.
As he assured my mind, there will be another day,
For the present, just keep on doing things my way.

Satan used different devices to gain my attention,
Some of which, it's only to God I'll ever mention.
With blinders in place, I saw what I wanted to see,
And not knowing then, what a hold sin had on me.

I grew tired of this life and didn't want it anymore,
As I ask Jesus to lift me up off of sin's filthy floor.
Knowing of a better way that I'd tried once before,
As Jesus attempted to come in, I'd closed the door.

When I did let Him in and He rearranged my heart,
He gained control as Satan quickly began to depart.
His blood freed the death hold sin once had on me,
Then only He can help us leave this life, in victory.

This poem was a finalist in the April 2010 poetry contest

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