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The Right Turn

by Robert Hedrick

When driving, you may have made a turn that was wrong,
As you realized you were somewhere you did not belong.
Until you got back to your route, fear entered your mind,
Then breathing a sigh of relief in leaving this area behind.

Perhaps there were times you were afraid to turn your back,
For you had reason to believe that there could be an attack.
Possibly an animal, as you were alone in the woods at night,
Or someone with a grudge against you and wanting to fight.

As you turn on the TV, you wonder what you're paying for,
Most programs are worthless and they're just adding more.
They call this entertainment, but there's none there for you,
And you turn it off, knowing there's something better to do.

These turns that you've made won't likely amount to much,
There is one that'll bring with it, a most very special touch.
Turn to Jesus, ask forgiveness of sin and be heaven bound,
Then you find this turn, turns your life completely around.

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