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1 Samuel--Part 12--Slaying the Giant

by George Cuff

Now the Philistines had a fighting man six cubits and a span.
If you stop to figure it out, he was nearly a ten foot man.
His armor alone weighed 125, the point of his spear fifteen;
Israel sent out to face this man, a boy of about sixteen.

Goliath shouted day after day a challenge to come and fight.
Israel's soldiers trembled in dismay afraid of losing their life.
Young David came to visit the camp, heard him time after time.
Finally he asked, "Who is this man, this evil Philistine?"

David shamed the soldiers that day including his older brothers.
They suggested he go back home to his sheep, his dad and mother.
When David saw that all were afraid, he decided to volunteer.
"I will fight this giant for you. God will deliver us here."

Saul told David, "You are a youth and he is a man of war."
But David, who fought both lion and bear, was not afraid anymore.
"I will not face him all alone. Our God will grant me power.
Send me forth and you will see, the giant will fall this hour."

David took his trusty sling and picked up five smooth stones.
He walked out to face the giant, but he didn't go alone.
Many wonder, "Why five stones? Did he expect to encounter others?"
We don't know but remember this: Goliath had four brothers.

The giant roared, "Am I a dog that you send a child with a stick?
Come a little closer, boy. I'll make you food for the birds in a bit."
"You depend on shield and spear along with your great sword,
But I have come to strike you down, for I come in the name of the Lord."

David ran to meet the giant swinging the sling with his hand.
He struck the Philistine in the head just as he had planned.
The Philistine fell totally stunned but he was not yet dead.
David killed him with his sword and then cut off his head.

Is there a giant in your life mocking day after day?
Do you tremble or live in strife engulfed by fear and dismay?
Remember, my friend, to whom you belong. Trust in the Savior true.
Empowered by His love so strong, there's nothing you cannot do.

Turn to Christ. Tell Him your trouble. Turn yourself over to Him.
He will deliver you from the trials that seem so terribly grim.
Just as David trusted God to give him strength and power,
So our Lord will minister to you in your darkest hour.

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