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1 Samuel--Part 15--Character on Display

by George Cuff

David endured intense persecution at the hand of Saul.
He had no palace in which to dwell safely behind the wall.
David lived in the hills and deserts deep in the wilderness.
Though times were hard it truly was the key to his future success.

Adversity is a better teacher than success can ever be.
Adversity reveals character for all the world to see.
David could have called for Saul to meet him in a fight,
But to kill the Lord's anointed simply wasn't right.

There was an occasion when David hid deep inside a cave.
Saul turned aside to relieve himself with no one there to save.
David sneaked up very close, cut the corner of Saul's robe.
As he left, David called out, "O King Saul, behold."

Holding the tassel cut from the robe, David said to Saul.
"If indeed I wanted to kill you, nothing could stop me at all.
Why do you listen to those who despise me, for I seek not your throne?
All I want is peace between us and a place to call my home."

There was yet a second occasion when Saul was sound asleep.
David enlisted a courageous friend, sneaked into their camp quite deep.
As they stood o'er Saul's tired body, Abishai sought to spear him,
But David said, "He's the Lord's anointed. Let us respect and fear him."

After retreating David called out holding high Saul's spear.
"O my Lord, why do you chase me? I could have killed you here."
Once again in selfless example, he put character on display.
Everyone saw that this was a man who was worthy to obey.

David expressed total respect for the one appointed to lead.
He would not hurt him in any way just so he could succeed.
Oh how great is his example. What grace and humility!
He is a lesson in leadership for all of us to see.

God has many He could use with talent and vision galore.
Though these are sterling qualities, a leader needs much more.
Just as Jesus loved His church, laid down His life for her,
So He desires believers today to demonstrate character.

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