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The Main Event

by Robert Hedrick

Most people attending a boxing match have come for the main event,
Because it's the one on which the big dollars of betting will be spent.
Then soon, from one of those corners, a victorious boxer will emerge,
Likely, he was the one coming to the ring with just a little extra surge.

When there's a horse race, their main event is the final race of that day,
As the thoroughbreds enter the starting gate and the race gets under way.
They circle the track giving their best, yet only one will be the winner,
Many times it's not the favorite, for it's winnings have gotten thinner.

The main event at the circus will always take place in the center ring,
Where death defying acts are performed by the fearless and the daring.
Though we have probably seen them before, they still take our breath,
For if there was just one false move, it could certainly be instant death.

These main events aren't important, with one yet to come that will be,
It will take place when we stand before God and learn of our eternity.
Then if our main event on earth took place when Jesus saved our soul,
Heaven's our final destination and the main event will never grow old.

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