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One Thing

by Kathleen Higham

She sat quietly in her place
Life etched lines upon her face
Memories stolen cocooned her age
Pain had turned inward to rage.

A hand that held a lover too
Made me wonder what she knew
Her thoughts angered her so much
She retreated from my gentle touch.

One thing that I always knew
God knows all she's been through
So down I sat, heard her sigh
Felt a tear fall from my eye.

No smile, just a bitter look
Fingers rubbed her brow and shook
She spoke to me, "I hate it here"
My heart felt her lonely fear.

Oh Lord, I cried a silent plea
Give the words, Your words to me
Told her of my life of sorrow
My dreams of God and His tomorrow.

One thing that I always knew
God would tell me what to do
Took that trembling hand in mine
When in her eyes I saw a sign.

I spoke to her my life story
Gave Jesus Christ all the Glory
Walked her through each painful day
Then saw her sorrow slip away.

A cluttered mind now ready, clear
I whispered the prayer in her ear
She prayed quietly at my knee
In that moment God set her free.

Precious arms reached out to me
At last the smile, I would see
One thing that I always knew
God was waiting just for you.

He'll remember the prayer you said
If it should ever leave your head
For He is faithful, He is true
This one thing I always knew.

This poem was a finalist in the May 2010 poetry contest

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