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Look Up

by Kathleen Higham

It doesn't matter who you are
Or even where you're going
The God of infinite mercy waits
His hand reaches out knowing.

Your brokenness He understands
For His love for you is never far
He sees your tears, your sorrow
As you look up through the bar.

Your soul cries out so burdened
God why is my life this way?
You ask Him this question
How did my life go astray?

He answers, "I am here for you"
These shackles now unbound
Look up to me, see my face
You are not lost, but found.

I will never, ever leave you
I am here right by your side
To help you bear the heartache
On the Cross for you I died.

Oh, life hurts, it hurts, my child
Through the window of life I see
Steel bars may entrap you, but
Look up, for I can make you free.

Though you are tired and worn
Look up to me dear one
I have come to rescue you
Brought to you my precious Son.

One day you will rest with Me
In a body made brand new
No bars, no pain, no sorrow
Look up; I am coming back for you.

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand."

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