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This Too Shall Pass

by Deborah Ann Belka

This too shall pass,
this too will go away.
What is a burden at this time,
will be a blessing another day.

This too shall pass,
this too will cease and end.
What looks to be broken down,
will soon be on the mend.

This too shall pass,
this too will be revealed.
What can't be understood right now,
will not always be concealed.

This too shall pass,
this too will come about.
What carries so much uncertainty,
will not always cause such doubt.

This too shall pass,
this too will come to light.
What appears to be dim and dark,
will soon turn clear and bright.

This too shall pass,
this too will become known to you.
What looks impossible for today,
will not always be hard to do.

This too shall pass,
this too will go away.
What we can't discern tonight,
will become clearer as we pray.

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