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Home And Heart

by Robert Hedrick

You've heard it said that home's where the heart is and I say it's true,
Then if your heart belongs to Jesus, someday heaven will be home for you.
He has prepared this place for all who believe He will take them there,
Whenever God is ready, each one of these will meet Jesus in the air.

To most people home's a special place where we live with our families,
Spending some quality time there and recording those great memories.
There we learn many lasting values that we'll take with us through life,
Beginning in the days of our childhood and continue as husband and wife.

Now most of the time, home is our safe place, where we can feel secure,
Shutting out the world for a while, not having it's problem's to endure.
A place where we'll store treasures for generations that are yet to come,
Giving them the opportunity to see some of those era's that we came from.

These then are some of the things making home very special in our heart,
Going back to the very beginning, those days when we first got our start.
Then moving ahead to our final home, whenever heaven opens up it's door,
There's where my heart is, with Jesus today and it will be for evermore.

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