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by Deborah Ann Belka

Beyond the pain we've suffered,
past the grief that we feel.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Rest – will be.

Beyond the troubles we've faced,
past the worries we all have.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Hope – will be.

Beyond the sadness we've felt,
past the despair we will know.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Joy – will be.

Beyond the burdens we've carried,
past the trials we will face.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Peace – will be.

Beyond the doubt we hold on to,
past the fear we might bare.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Faith – will be.

Beyond this very moment,
past this one single day.
Farther than the eye can see,
the land of Love – will be.

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