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Jesus In Me

by Robert Hedrick

My prayer is, that every day people would see,
By my light, that Jesus is The One living in me.
If He is and not seen, then something is wrong,
For as He enters in, that light should come on.

There'll be a new walk, for I'll take a new trail,
There'll be new talk, for I'll have a different tale.
My sight becomes clear, seeing a world that has a need,
Giving me the desire to begin sowing The Master's seed.

Seeing the needs of others that I'd overlooked before,
In an effort to be their light, coming from the shore.
Offering my support whenever they have a need,
Then my payback coming, in knowing they did succeed.

Into heaven then, after taking that last breath of air,
Finding myself in the middle of hallelujah square.
There with my Jesus, The Light that will never fade,
Making it there only, because of the price He had paid.

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