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Your Creator

by Robert Hedrick

If you've tumbled from the top and are down in the dumps, don't fret,
Because you're part of God's creation and this is as good as you can get.
He's the very best in uplifting, for you see, He has been at it so long,
So then, if you have enough faith to trust Him, you can not go wrong.

He understands your problems and will help you walk that next mile,
He understands why that frown you're wearing has replaced a smile.
He can provide your every need, no matter whether it's large or small,
He has the power that governs this world, because He is Lord of it all.

The sun, moon and stars were created by The One Who created you,
Then if someone tells you something different, it just is not true.
All things were created in six days, with the seventh a day of rest,
When He looked upon His creation, He saw nothing but the very best.

Now if you're feeing low and think the world is leaving you behind,
That your opportunities have been very few and life has been unkind.
Just remember your Creator and that on Him at any time, you can call,
While He created everything, he made man in His image, above them all.

This poem was a finalist in the May 2010 poetry contest

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