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In Due Season

by Deborah Ann Belka

Rest in the Lord while you wait,
for the answer to your prayer.
You must not grow faint or weary,
your burden He wants to bear.

Don't meditate on the problem,
for He is the God of the midnight hour.
He will give you the strength you need,
and fill you with His power.

Keep your heart focused on Him,
let your mind be immersed in His Word.
Rest and have faith like a child,
knowing your request He has heard.

Trust the Lord and hold fast,
He is the God who is never late.
He has your best interest in mind,
and He has His purpose for your wait.

Believe He will give you the answer,
trust that He always has a good reason.
If you're not reaping the answer you seek,
the harvest may not be in due season.

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