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Say Yes To Jesus

by Robert Hedrick

The one time I said "yes" to Jesus erased those times I said "no",
Then my life became spirit filled and my system was put on go.
Giving me a new role in life which was most contrary to the old,
Losing a considerable amount of shyness and becoming rather bold.

Saying "yes" was not easy, for I had said "no" in so very many ways,
At times using those same old words, only with a different phrase.
Making a feeble attempt in closing my eyes on things yet to come,
Living as though this life would never end, now that sure was dumb.

I don't remember the date that yes entered into my heart and mind,
Only remembering that the life I lived before then had been unkind.
Knowing there's a better life, for I'd heard of it many times before,
However, this time I listened closely, with a desire to receive more.

Finally, I heard that powerful little word yes as it came from my lips,
Then I asked Jesus to take away all of my sins and He did in one trip.
After this my life became much smoother, for it'd been turned around,
Everyone can have this, just say "yes" to Jesus, then it will be found.

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