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2 Kings--Part 2--The Miracles of Elisha

by George Cuff

Elisha served Jehovah God in the power He had bestowed.
He was a true prophet of the Lord as the miracles showed.
Usually in kindness miracles flowed but occasionally in times austere,
God would humble the proud and profane, those without love or fear.

Jericho was a city well planned but it lacked an important thing.
It suffered from infertile land because of the bitter spring.
Elisha threw some salt in the spring and then proclaimed it healed.
From that day the water flowed forth and the ground began to yield.

Elisha travelled on Bethel's road, for that is what God had said.
Several dozen unruly youths ridiculed his bald head.
These young men were undisciplined. They had no respect or fear.
They came to mock the prophet of God whom they did not revere.

Elisha discerned the devil's spirit possessing these young men.
They were offending the Spirit of God time and time again.
He turned around and pronounced a curse in the name of the Lord.
Two bears emerged and mauled the men imparting their just reward.

One of the widows in the land was unable to pay her bills.
The creditors threatened to take her sons, her commitment to fulfill.
All she had was a little oil. It wasn't enough to pay,
But God was about to meet her need in a dramatic way.

Elisha told her to borrow pots and then to fill each one.
She poured enough to pay her bills before the oil was done.
Little is much when God is in it. He can make it overflow.
Our Lord knows no earthly limits like those we see below.

In the sleepy town of Shunem just south of the Great Sea
Lived a noble woman of God as barren as can be.
She and her husband, quite elderly, gave Elisha a place to stay.
The prophet inquired how God could bless her as he knelt to pray.

Elisha learned she wanted a child but her husband was quite old.
The prophet told her a miracle would very soon unfold.
The woman conceived and bore a son at the appointed time.
O the joys of God's provision under His care sublime!

There is still more to this account. Sadly the young child died.
In faith the woman believed that God would set his death aside.
Elisha stretched out upon the boy until his flesh was warmed.
Seven times the child sneezed as his dead body was transformed.

There are more miracles herein recorded that Elisha performed.
By the mighty hand of God lives were touched and transformed.
It is a reminder of the great power resident in God's nature.
Surrender your life to Him, dear friend; become a divine partaker.

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