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Ask, Seek, Knock . . . Enter

by Deborah Ann Belka

Ask believing Jesus loves you,
seek and Him you will find.
Knock and the door will open,
enter and don't look behind.

Ask that Jesus will forgive you,
seek and repent of your sin.
Knock and He will free you,
enter and be cleansed within.

Ask trusting Jesus will answer,
seek and listen to His voice.
Knock and He will hear you,
enter and in Him rejoice.

Ask knowing Jesus is faithful,
seek and believe He is the Son.
Knock and He will be there,
enter and see what He's done.

Ask showing you're thankful,
seek and Jesus you will see.
Knock and He will bless you,
enter and in heaven you'll be.

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Click Here to contact Deborah Ann Belka to request permission to use this poem.