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Unlimited Blessings

by Robert Hedrick

Blessings from God go far beyond what we consider material gain,
Blessings making life more enjoyable when put on a higher plane.
Blessings that can't be measured as we would with silver and gold,
Blessings that'll still have special meaning when we've grown old.

Many times they will come when they are most desperately needed,
As we find our self in a bad situation, having nearly been defeated.
Suddenly that right help came and it's coming was not an accident,
Because it was a very special blessing and therefore, was God sent.

We might just receive a personal blessing that God's sent our way,
For He knew our life needed it at that time to brighten the day.
Then a prayer was answered and done so far beyond our request,
Then even more we realize, The One we're serving's the very best.

As a family member's life is spared or to it, a new one is added on,
These are those blessings that'll remain long after the gold is gone.
Compared to God, there is so much about life we do not understand,
If we trust and obey, blessings will come from The Master's Hand.

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