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Stand Firm

by Deborah Ann Belka

To be strong in God's power,
To stand and rise above.
You must put on His full armor,
And bind yourself up in His love.

Place and tighten to your waist,
His truth and know all the facts.
For you can't fool the evil one,
He sees right through the cracks.

Stand and put on the breastplate,
Of His justice without shame.
For the hosts of the darkness,
Trembles at the sound of His name.

Stand and put on faith's shield,
Guard what you believe.
For the wicked one will destroy,
But Christ will free and relieve.

Stand and put on the helmet,
Of the Salvation you have found.
For when you wrestle with Satan,
You won't be tied and bound.

Stand and take up your sword,
Let His Word pierce to the heart.
For then you will be prepared,
To fight off each fiery dart.

To be strong in God's power,
To stand and overcome.
Pray for perseverance and decide,
To Satan you won't succumb.

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