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His Wonders Are All Around

by Deborah Ann Belka

His wonders are all around,
So many blessings for you to see.
Just use your imagination,
Come take a look with me.

You'll see one in a sunset,
Another when it's on its rise.
Casting its beauty upon us,
Splendor right before our eyes.

You'll hear one in the finch's song,
Listen to the tune he sings.
Melodies that takes on flight,
Soaring high on golden wings.

You'll smell one in the sweet breeze,
Blowing across the garden path.
Blossoms budding and spilling forth,
The same scents that fill your bath.

You'll taste one on a Sunday night,
When mom has something in the oven.
And the family is gathered all around,
To feast on her home cooked lovin'.

It's not too hard to find the blessings,
That comes disguised to us each day.
Just look past what is expected,
His blessings are beyond the fray.

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