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Jesus Said

by Robert Hedrick

Jesus said, I am the way, truth and life, you come to The Father by Me,
I go to prepare a place for you and when I return, in heaven you will be.
Continue in My word and you will know the truth and it will set you free,
To all who come denying themselves, let them take up their cross and follow Me.

Peace be unto you, as My Father has sent Me, even so then, I will send you,
Then today the harvest is plenteous, but it is the laborers that are few.
He tells us to follow Him and then He will make us to be fishers of men,
To all who don't receive the kingdom of God as a child, can't enter in.

He tells us to not let our heart be troubled and neither let it be afraid,
For God sent His Son, not to condemn the world, but through Him, be saved.
Jesus asks, what profit has a person if they gain the world and lose their soul,
Then He tells us this, to go our way for it is our faith that will make us whole.

Go into all nations, baptizing in the name of The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Telling everyone we come in contact with, that Jesus came to save the lost.
He says to lift our eyes, look on the fields, they're white, ready to harvest,
And to all who're weary and heavy laden, come to Him and He will give you rest.

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