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Look Deep

by Kathleen Higham

Hear my prayer this morning
Lord, what more can I say?
The sin that plagues me
Well, it is here again today.

Early in my walk with God
I heard the prayer unspoken
Saw the sorrowed weary heart
Of a sinner that was broken.

Oh, my sins were many
And I cried desperately to You
Knowing You would forgive me
For I was a Christian, new.

With the prayer of the unspoken
My life would never be the same
When I opened up my heart
Looked deep and saw my shame.

A sin confessed to Him alone
This weakness pushed aside
But it would surely come again
In my human frailty, I tried.

God knows my unspoken hurt
I prayed to be strong
Then I could push away the sin
For the Godly life I long.

I am sorry, so, so sorry
For this misery that I keep
But God is bigger than my sin
When at last I look deep.

My God fights the battle
A battle only He can win
Looking deep inside my soul
Washed away the unspoken sin.

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