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by Kathleen Higham

Oh, how I long to write the poem
These words from God bring awe
For the one who goes unnoticed
A kind hearted daughter-in-law.

She is always, always there
It may be a bother to some
As a problem arises she responds
Asks, do you need me to come?

She runs constantly with the kids
Makes a home for your son
But she is just a phone call away
It seems her work is never done.

The first to offer up her help
No matter how busy she may be
And often she goes unnoticed
When sometimes we fail to see.

Well, not today, not today
These words from God bring awe
Let us notice these precious girls
Thanking God for our daughter-in-law.

Proverbs 31:29

Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.

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