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Opened By Jesus

by Robert Hedrick

The doors of heaven were opened on a cross at Calvary,
As Jesus willingly died that all could be made sin free.
Fulfilling the desires of His Father's love for mankind,
For sin had a grip on man, making him spiritually blind.

His works on earth were the greatest ever seen or heard,
Performing miracles on many who believed in His Word.
He taught with the knowledge given by His Father on high,
Teaching those of that time and then on down to you and I.

Raised by a carpenter, then His material gain was meager,
It was His Father's will that early in life, made Him eager.
At a young age, He amazed some of the teachers of that day,
Who listened to the words of wisdom that He would display.

His greatest miracle came when He opened heaven's gate,
As He bled and died so all would have a chance to celebrate.
He shed His blood to cleanse the sins of those who believed,
That when they leave this life, in His arms they'll be received.

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