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Until I'm In His Arms

by Robert Hedrick

Though I'm far from being perfect, praise God I'm saved,
Knowing Jesus shed His blood for me, my sin debt's paid.
Here on earth, I'll never be like Him, still I'll keep on trying,
My intention is to continue doing so until the time I'm dying.

My desire's to put more trust in Jesus each God given day,
With all the world puts before me, it'll not blind my way.
That my faith is strong, defeating any challenge I will face,
Willing to do my share of God's plans for His human race.

After Jesus had saved my soul, hell was no longer a threat,
It was my turn to introduce the lost to the Savior I had met.
Giving them the opportunity, that earlier, was given to me,
To know The One who died for them on a cross at calvary.

Our bond is strong as He keeps me away from Satan's harms,
Someday we will be closer, when I am safely in His Arms.
Until then, by doing nothing, God's work will not be done,
Then before we meet Jesus, there's souls needing to be won.

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