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by Robert Hedrick

With God by my side and in my mind, the world's problems are smaller,
Causing my thoughts to be somewhat purer, for pure is their Installer.
God can surely change the world, beginning in the heart and in the mind,
Whenever a person gives their life to him and leaves the old one behind.

The world's stress is powerful and deadly without the right helping hand,
Many have tried it in the past and have found themselves on sinking sand.
Some who were considered to be brilliant in the eyes of their fellow man,
Yet they too succumbed as the pressure was greater than they could stand.

I'm certain that God has never left me and am satisfied that He never will,
Although there are times I stumble and fail, I know that He loves me still.
He knows that for as long as I'm in the flesh, there are mistakes I'll make,
Then Jesus tells Him that this is one that on the cross, his place I did take.

This world's problems will continue to grow and cause stress, if you allow,
The only way to prevent this is by going to God and let Him show you how.
With your thoughts centered around Him, that stress load becomes lighter,
When He is walking by your side, the journey through life will be brighter.

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