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Tomorrow's Plans

by Robert Hedrick

Lets start now in making plans for a smoother tomorrow,
To overcome today's error's causing trouble and sorrow.
Retracing those steps that we have made through this day,
Planning a route that'll lead a much less trouble free way.

In doing this we'll bypass the problems as best as we can,
Pausing in prayer before continuing on with this our plan.
Asking God to give us the insight that'll enable us to see,
Just where we were and exactly where it is we ought to be.

Then as He gives us clarity, this will help fashion our day,
Through His written word, as The Holy Spirit leads the way.
When coming to trouble spots, we'll find The help we need,
For we've learned today, that on our own, we'll not succeed.

Our mistakes of today can make tomorrow's load lighter,
Receiving wisdom from these, as the future grows brighter.
In planning tomorrow and remembering what today has taught,
That if God is not in them, They'll surely all be for naught.

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