"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God."
(Matthew 5:9, NIV)
The world is in such disarray—
there's hatred and discord.
Temperatures are rising fast—
we need Your help, dear LORD.
Deploy Your troops—Your peacemakers
to reconcile conflicts.
As many seem to be confused
and lost in politics.
The animosity is real
and causing quite a stir.
The tension that has seized the world
has caused wars to occur.
These battles range from near to far—
across all continents—
striking fear and bringing death,
and loss of confidence.
Sweet, everlasting Prince of Peace,
please bring serenity
to all the world—in every home,
and end depravity.
Come teach Your children, one-and-all,
to be peacemakers, LORD.
End all conflicts—mediate—
Create an atmosphere of love—
a place where all may go
to find a peace not of this world—
a peace all come to know.
"Peacemakers who sow in peace
reap a harvest of righteousness."
(James 3:18, NIV)
O' blessed are the peacemakers
who work to bring world peace.
We pray their ever vigilant
endeavors never cease.