"The sun is setting. It's to be.
The twilight colors beckon me.
Was life complete? Did I obey
my precious Lord, His will, His way?"
I've fallen short. I've fallen far
from Heaven's heights to things that are.
The Judge is waiting for me now
as sweat escapes my weary brow.
I've eaten time. Now it's my fate.
What can I change with empty plate?
There must be something I can do.
Is there no grace for me and you?
Can I "un-drink" the milk now soured?
Can I "un-eat" what I've devoured?
Can I go back to live His way,
some ninety years? No, not one day.
But futile death? Say it's not so!
Yes, Christ arose from here below!
Forgiven from this life I leave!
Eternal life- for I believe!
It doesn't change my sadness though.
Regret, I do, as tempest blow.
You youngsters have a life of time.
Please do God's Will and make it rhyme.
Please read your Bible, read it true.
Don't be like me, but be like you.
Don't store up treasures on your shelf
for one day you will say yourself,
"The sun is setting. It's to be.
The twilight colors beckon me.
Was life complete? Did I obey
my precious Lord, His will, His way?"
This poem was a finalist in the
November 2019 poetry contest