“What is reason?” a wise man was heard to ask,
Said one, “It is the force which will take your faith to task.
For I believe that reason, makes all faith obsolete,
It is our guide and it alone sits on the judgment seat.”
The wise man then retorted, “I hesitate to say,
Your arguments against all faith must fail to win the day,
For if you believe in reason, you have faith the same as I,
But yours is placed within yourself, and mine in God most high.”
The objector was befuddled, and he gave a heavy sigh,
He did believe in reason but had never wondered why,
Why is there order in the world, so we can understand it?
A thoughtful man like him must say, it looks like someone planned it.
“What is reason?” it’s a gift so don’t deny it,
But revelation from our God is true, so don’t defy it.
If you place your faith in reason, and make it absolute,
Your search for truth will be in vain and bear but little fruit.