It wasn't what I expected and I didn't like the answer,
when the doctor walked in and said, "I'm sorry. You have cancer."
I froze with no emotion. I never said a word.
Questions rose inside my head, now how had this occurred?
The next few days were but a blur...
drawing blood, testing, biopsies... yet no cure.
I never smoked, I never drank, I never used a drug.
How could this have happened? The doctor merely shrugged.
Physically, the cancer kills. Spiritually, sin does.
Sin kills like a cancer. It does so deep because -
it fights the 'spirit' body. It just does not belong,
deceiving like the 'Evil One' that we all know is wrong.
To say that it's a little lie, not black, not gray, but white,
deceives us into thinking that it isn't wrong, but right.
But let it take ahold of us and let it spread awhile,
and we will find it's Satan's way of saying, "You can smile."
Before we see, before we know, before we realize,
our heart is hard, our spirit's dead and we've been paralyzed.
And only God can heal us then through love and grace and pow'r.
And just like cancer, He can heal before your final hour.
So yes, I have a cancer, a cancer physical.
That's not as bad as other kinds, those cancers spiritual.
Now God can save us from them both, for He is in control.
He can cure both cancers and can also save the soul.
So I can't die. I am alive, alive as I can be.
Because God gives me life anew, a life inside of me.
I'm glad I'm not forever here, cursed with a sin internal,
because Christ lives within me now and it's a life eternal.