At age fifty-eight, David passed on to Glory.
Strong to the finish is the theme of his story.
At age eight, he received Christ as a child.
He grew strong in the Lord, yet meek and mild.
As a teenager, he was strong for God and bold.
He started winning souls at thirteen years old.
He studied the Bible and believed it was true.
He was strong in spreading the Gospel too.
David was strong in his love for his precious wife.
He was married to Judy, the love of his life.
His love for his children was strong and true.
They are Sarah, Rebekah, and Adam too.
His burden was strong in giving God's Word,
For sharing the Gospel to those who've not heard.
He ran the King James Bible Society part of his life.
God blessed as he served faithfully alongside his wife.
He was a strong song leader with a booming voice.
The old hymns of the faith were songs of his choice.
For years, he also ran the children's ministry too.
He and Judy wrote lessons and made visuals to view.
David stayed strong in the Lord after Rebekah's death,
Though he grieved for his daughter until his last breath.
She was there to greet him on that Golden Shore.
He will never have to grieve for Rebekah anymore.
Be of comfort each loved one and also each friend.
David was strong in the Lord all the way to the end.
He was strong to the finish as he ran life's race.
He awoke in Heaven's splendor to behold Jesus' face.