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Make Fear Disapear

by Deborah Ann Belka

Life is full of apprehension,
worry, dread and fear . . .
and I know of only one way
to make them disappear.

So, whenever I'm fearful,
it's Jesus ~ I focus on
until my trepidation . . .
is all but spent and gone.

For, He gives me strength,
to overcome my anxiety
whenever I give to Him . . .
in my life ~ first priority.

Whenever nervousness,
takes a grip on me
it's Jesus ~ I focus on
until, it's His light I see.

For, He brings clarity,
in the midst of any doubt
His light floods the dread
from my mind, right out.

Life is full of apprehension,
worry, dread and fear
and focusing in on Jesus
will make them disappear!

Psalm 27:1

” The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?”

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