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by Leslie Rummel © 2020

Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ
Beloved children so dear
We live in a volatile, troubled world
That stirs in us doubt and fear!
Darkness lurks all around us, indeed!
Evil is seen and heard
But God reigns o'er all the Earth
Take heart and trust in His Word!
God's people, we know, as the Israelites
Were freed, in the past, by His hand
They were led, by Moses, and the power of God
Into the Promised Land!
He used the force of the Eastern wind
To divide the vast, Red Sea
Creating dry land and a chosen path
To set His people free!!
His wrath was revealed in that time
Due to godlessness and sin
But Pharaoh's army was destroyed
As the waves of the sea caved in!
So, I ask how faithful God is today
Considering ALL He has done?
Please know that the imminent battles we face
Have ALREADY, by Him, been won!
The Father continues to part the seas
Even 'til the present day!
He never forsakes, is faithful, and
Always makes a way!
Remember where your help comes from
Cast ALL fears aside
It is in the shelter of the Father's wings
Where His children, so loved, abide!
Trust the God of Israel
To make the waters still
To pave the road through every trial
And be guided by His will!!

L.A. Rummel, Revised in 2021

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