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No other name under heaven

by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Christians bear the name of Christ, this ought to make us proud;
And we should never be ashamed, to confess our faith out loud.
For there is no other name under heaven, given to mankind -
By which our sins may be forgiven, and salvation we may find.
Being a disciple of Christ, however, comes with a responsibility:
We are called to follow in His footsteps, to the best of our ability.
He has chosen us out of the world, so the narrow road we'd walk -
To stand out and shine as lights, with our actions, and our talk.
It's a hard road we trod, of non-conformity, service and sacrifice;
Of putting Jesus first, when the world tries to tell us otherwise.
Discipleship always comes at a cost, and that is still true today -
We are free, not to do as we want, but to live our lives God's way.
Jesus has given us power to overcome sin, and to live fully for Him;
We have the Light of life inside us, a Light that will never grow dim.
There's so many people living life without hope, feeling lost and alone;
So many who are entangled in sin, and longing to come home.
There's so many who carry heavy burdens, they know not God's rest;
The Good News is needed everywhere, the fields are ripe to harvest.
The world needs God more than ever, Jesus let us proudly proclaim -
For under all of God's wide heaven, salvation comes only by this name!

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