We have concluded, the world is deluded.
It struggles to find the right course.
Men don't understand what's the lie of the land,
And don't know what things to endorse.
Extinguish the light, then impaired is the sight,
So incorrect things they enforce.
God is abolished; decency demolished,
And for evil, there's no remorse.
Good is now compressed; what's righteous, is transgressed.
That's part of the nation's downturn.
All too rapidly we have hugged apathy,
And people no longer discern.
Our leaders are weak; they are no longer meek;
Anything godly they adjourn.
We know in review, that the bible stands true.
To its truths, people must return.
In darkness men grope, while they're looking for hope,
Because they live in sin's dark blight.
The heart that is cold is unable to hold
The truths that we clasp to be right.
God's seeking repentance, to end the sentence,
Of man's journey into death's night.
One true bible verse says that things will get worse,
For men love darkness, not the light.
Like a sharp prickle in man's self made pickle,
The Christian is one they besmear.
The righteous they hate, and their goodness castrate;
To Satan's rule they adhere.
The world's in decline; wickedness they enshrine,
But it's God the Christians revere
We're are on the last page of the present Church age;
Don't be deceived by false veneer.
Metre = 11-8 throughout Rhyme = ABCBDBEB Copyright reserved.
2Timothy 3:13 "Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."
This poem won second place for the
February 2022 poetry contest