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by Mark Spencer © 2022

What form does reality take?
Is it an illusion?
Can human minds perceive the truth?
Is that our delusion?

Our senses and our mortal brain;
These prove ineffective.
The many things we can't perceive
Limit out perspective.

Yet we pretend to understand,
Until time proves us wrong.
The things that we pretend to know,
Have fooled us all along!

Imagination hits a wall,
And blindly leads the blind.
The gaps our theories try to fill,
Asphyxiate the mind.

For we exist like avatars,
Minds trapped behind two eyes.
Like games on a computer screen,
Behind a veiled disguise.

And time plays like the photographs
Within a picture show,
Awareness flows through every scene,
And that's what makes it go.

But if there was no consciousness
To take the moments in,
Would this reality exist?
Could anything begin?

Mankind can grasp no absolutes,
The truth is out of reach.
Our thoughts reside within the box,
A cage that can't be breached!

And this is where time shall remain,
Entombed in mystery;
Until our limitations end,
And we, at last, can see.

For once our spirits leave the cage
And see the grand design,
They'll rise above the mystery,
And merge with the divine!

This poem was a finalist in the July 2022 poetry contest

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