Our crowded world, our riches and our rags
That come and go despite our waving flags
That beat the air unfurled
With magical technologies that steer
Us to the droning cadences we hear
The music of the world.
It soon will fill our heads, our hearts, our minds
But then the Spirit's work our conscience finds.
A heavenly breeze exposes how we see
Our place in God. Instead of resting, we
Resort to noisy praise
For we trade worldly hype for Godly song
To find a place where Christian hope is strong
And strengthen Christian ways
But God withholds His voice, again, again
He does not need our effort or our strain.
When He is silent, join His silence too
For in the quiet He will still pursue
His perfect love for us
He trusts us with His silence and will heal
As we mature in Him, His Ways reveal
No longer any fuss
Now we receive His silence and rejoice
For if He speaks it only is His voice!
John 14:3
...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.