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Ode to the High Priest of Our Confession

by Annie B © 2025

O' High Priest, eternal and unchanging One,
Whose name above the heavens is God's own Son;
In whom the fullness of divine grace is found,
Whose heart beats in time with the Father's sound.

You are the cornerstone, the Rock of our salvation,
The forerunner, the pioneer of our faith's destination.
By You we stand, by You we're made anew,
In You, we find our hope and consolation true.

Your Priesthood surpasses all earthly self-esteem,
For You have borne the sins of the world in a crimson stream.
The Holy of Holies, You have allowed us to enter in,
The veil was torn asunder by the blood of a Lamb within.

With tender heart and compassion vast,
You know our sins that You've cast aside.
A High Priest not distant, but ever so near,
In every trial, You have felt our fear.

In You, the faithfulness of God is revealed,
The promise of salvation is forever sealed.
In You, we find our rest, our Sabbath's delight,
The One who speaks to our hearts in the day's first light.

Jesus, the faithful One, the Son of God's own might,
Our confession is in You, our trust in You was right.
You have called us, as brethren to draw us near
To share in thy glory, to cast off all fear.

As children in God's house we are named,
Through You, the true Heir, we have lost our shame.
We hold fast to the faith we now confess,
Looking unto You, our High Priest we can rest.

Whose voice echoes in the sanctum of our souls,
Whose whispers calm the tempest that unfolds.
The faithfulness of God, in You is shown,
Our High Priest, forever on the heavenly throne.

In You, we find our hearts' truest home,
Where love and mercy will forever roam.
Our confession is in You, the same yesterday, today,
Our anchor is in the storm, our guiding light in the fray.

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