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Stars, Friends & Blessings

by louis gander

The midnight stars were very bright.
"But many small" said I,
"and are not fit to take up space
in God's majestic sky."

Hence, I removed them. But some more
were smaller than the rest.
So I disposed of those as well -
a little bit obsessed.

Then after my accomplishments,
I looked at all God had.
But now the sky was very dark -
my good intentions bad.
My friends were like the midnight sky,
"But many small" said I;
so small, so insignificant.
I snatched them from the sky.

I threw out all the "lesser ones",
believe me, I can tell.
And all those friends of little use?
I threw them out as well.

Had only they'd been there for me.
It really was a shame.
But then upon completion of -
so lonely, I became.
My blessings? There were many,
"But many small" said I -
so many insignificant
that I plucked from the sky.

Those things, some think are blessings,
I thought were nothing much -
I wanted more excitement and
a lot less of His touch.

Now here I am in dire straights.
Have I not been forgiven?
If only God had understood!
Oh, why did God not listen!?
A dark and lonely life I'd lived.
No blessings, friends or stars...
My life - oh, who had understood
my self-inflicted scars?

But Christ forgives so why my scars?
I did not understand!
And why did Jesus not erase
the scars on His own hands?

I must forgive as Jesus did
to understand His sky,
to understand true friendships and
His blessings. That is why.

This poem was a finalist in the January 2015 poetry contest

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