What is anointing meant to be?
What would this touch of God now show?
A touch that will set people free?
Where God in focus, all will see
And set all hearts aglow.
The Holy Spirit's work within
Is God's anointing in the heart
Where all His Graces now begin
Exposing past inroads of sin
From former ways depart.
Like fragrant oil upon the head
This is available to all
Yet only those whose footsteps tread
The living path among the dead
Will answer to His call.
For His anointing clears the way
And lights a path that is the key
Reminding where His shadow lay
But opens to a perfect day
His beauties there to see.
Anointed for His service will
His own authentic seal contain
His chosen purpose to fulfill
And showing greater glories still
Like sunshine after rain.