I pray for Israel that her people will stand,
And that Jews of the world will return to their land
I pray that their Army will be fierce yet restrained
With a world full of enemies, with hatred ingrained.
I pray for our Government that they'll have a backbone,
For mismanagement and greed they'll wish to atone,
That they'll be Godly people, with Godly decisions,
And not be afraid of minority derision.
I pray for believers persecuted for Christ,
For speaking the Word, they pay a high price,
Jailed and tormented starved and despised,
Our turn will come, so don't be surprised.
I pray for the Ministers who bring forth the Word,
In the Ears of the people, the truth is heard,
Delivering Hope, Good News and Salvation,
They get no applause or standing ovation.
I pray that the Lord will return rather quick,
And take me away from a World that is sick,
Where justice and morality have surely departed,
An Earth filled with the terrorised and brokenhearted.
I pray for our Children and Grandchildren alike,
That they can play safely, just ride their bike,
That crime and harm's way will just pass them by,
And they'll grow to know Jesus much better than I.
I pray for God's help in all aspects of my life,
That he'll save my friends, my Family and my Wife,
That he'll hold me up when I stumble or slow,
He's in charge of it all, he's running the show.
I don't know where I'd be if I was alone,
If there was no God in control, on his Throne,
I encourage everyone to pray as you're moved,
And without all the worry your life is improved.