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STOP THE WORLD, (I Want To Get Off)

by Peter the Poet © 2023

The world turns and yet it burns,
Humanity learns but still it yearns,
The Court adjourns but nobody discerns,
Through financial downturns we struggle to earn,
Like swollen cisterns our stomachs churn,
The markets crash and we lose our returns.

As Satan approaches death encroaches,
Temptation coaxes and hell poaches,
Plentiful hoaxes and insignificant reproaches,
The Junkie overdoses and the Banker forecloses,
The populace presupposes with untrustworthy coaches,
Entertainment engrosses and pestilence disposes.

Religiosity abounds so ignorance astounds,
Crime knows no bounds we are on shaky ground,
Our sin compounds release the Hounds,
Confusion surrounds as worldly ideas expound,
The Media confounds and the narrative impounds,
When the Final Trump sounds no time for turnarounds.

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