Within our tribulation and distress
The world would see us slaughtered like the sheep
In these tribulations we would confess
That we are more than conquerors to express
His love for us and there our hearts will keep.
For neither can the angels, death or life
Principalities or powers, present things
Or things to come, or height or depth or strife
Or a created thing beneath the skies
Separate us from the eternal wings.
Those wings promote the love of God above
As seen in Jesus Christ our Lord, and will
Sweep us along the corridors of Love
The glorious pathway of the Heavenly Dove
Whose purpose is all hearts, with Christ to fill.
A conqueror in the battle fights and wins
A more than conqueror fights and cannot lose
And more than only saving from our sins
Roots us in Him; our Conqueror, soon begins
The saturation of His heavenly dews.