Let's start with a story of the history of mankind,
War, Lies and Cheating the actions of the blind,
Greed and Graft, Lust and Envy, all the deadly sins,
Man has fought a constant battle; one he never wins.
But God had planned our future since before times creation,
A way to salvage Mankind, an improvement to our station,
All would be done in Gods good time at the appointed hour,
Hence there would be a lot less people for Satan to devour.
God made himself a People, Israel from Abrahams seed,
They dwelt in their Promised Land and God saw to every need,
He gave to them the Law on tablets written with his own hand,
Ten Commandments laid out clearly, for all to understand.
It didn't take long to see the fact that the Law could NOT be kept,
There was no way Man in his sinful state could conquer the precept,
For to break one part you break the whole, to the smallest tittle and jot,
So though you try hard, efforts are wasted, your sins are not forgot.
Though you don't physically commit Adultery, you think it therefore do,
You may not physically Murder, but your thoughts caused storms to brew,
You have never actually Stolen, but you've contemplated the art,
For when you entertain these things, you have done them in your Heart.
So what can be done, there's no way out, by our very nature trapped,
The Devil has us cornered, man's Heavenly destiny kidnapped,
With nowhere left to turn it's Hell for all and sundry,
We cannot make our own escape with no amount of money.
Religion can't help with traditions and ceremony, icons, statues and Beads,
For your prayers go to the god of this world, he only misleads,
So what can you do when all hope is gone, there is no way out of your mess?
You can't do good deeds to save yourself, life's just a big game of chess.
But God so loved the world and pitied man's self-inflicted plight,
That he sent to us the perfect gift, to help us get it right,
He humbled himself to become a man, born to walk in our shoes,
To suffer temptation, betrayal and pain but with free will to choose.
Yes, JESUS came upon the Earth to be the Sacrificial Lamb,
Sent by The Father to show us how, to get with the program,
A guiltless man to die in our place to bear sins awful weight,
For all mankind past present and future, by Heavenly mandate.
So that's who Jesus is folks, Saviour, God and man's Best Friend,
His name is not a swear word, he's not a passing trend,
Lay all your burdens on him and trust him with your salvation,
He'll save you to the uttermost as his most beloved creation.